Brother DR350 ( DR-350 ) OEM Printer Drum for the Brother DCP7010, DCP7020, HL2030, HL2040, HL2070N, INTELLIFAX 2820, MFC7220, MFC7225N, MFC7420, MFC7820N printers NOTE: This is not a Toner Cartridge, but a Drum. Replaceable Drums are the hardware that receive the image from the Laser and transfer it to the paper to produce the final print. If you need the actual cartridges containing toner, please scroll down to view.
By buying Brother DR350 Printer Drum from Perfect Print, we guarantee you the best quality you can get. We can assure you, you will receive your printer drum at your location right on time, with no hidden costs. Please be advised, that we are always ready to assist you with installing your Brother DR350 and will answer any questions about it, or about any other of our products. If you are not fully satisfied with the Brother DR350 you have purchased from us, we are ready to offer full replacement under warranty.